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21 January 2008

Road Trash

Ok. I know what started this post but no idea where it is going..

We have all done it. Dropped something that doesn't go there but didn't stop to pick it up. The tip off a gel pack-it for instance...yet I bet anyone would be hard pressed to go back and find one of those blowing off into the wide yander..

CO2 cartridges lying right there beside the sun bleached floppy rubber tube is not ok... Alright the argument is that if you were driving [notice the avoidance of "riding"] a car you could just carry it with you. That is until you got to the next gas station or home at which point the offensive item could be thrown away.

See logic still works...

YET WHY does there seem to be an 1:1 ratio with it comes to increasing vehicular size and increasing roadside litter. This is just an observation - not science! Please note that I didn't want to spoil the last post with the taint and anger from this post. Riders, drivers and passengers - your trash sucks...

Maybe I'm just stupid and forgetful thus taking the proceeds of this thoughtlessness out on litterers the world over[see pic]. Maybe it was walking back from a beautiful overlook and seeing a 'Driver' through out a rolled up diaper into the parking lot and this has not been the first time that I've seen "dipper-flowers" along the road. Although she was aiming for the parking space next to her - Quite evident from the downward lob or shall I venture "plop" that the projectile made... Yet, Her aim was a bit off - only 25 feet from a trash can and just a few more parking spaces from a open restroom....


Pocket your trash... it really isn't that bad!!!! maybe just maybe this [see picture again] was one of those things that happened so that I remembered to write this post and hold riders to task for throwing their spent tubs on the ground. I mean come on now.. You just took out a tube that has been in your saddlebag for hundreds and hundreds of miles - put the floppy one back.

From Don't Litter

1 comment:

bug girl said...

I hear you! Down with roadside trash! I have spent hours picking up trash so that I can have a relaxing run in a canyon or on rural roads. But the task is formidable. I barely make a difference. Where does it all come from? Who throws it out? I just can't seem to figure it out.