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01 February 2008

Winter Surprises

Now imagine how I felt when it came time to head home...

I think I had one of the longest skids in my fixed gear history. ALMOST, all the way form the USU campus to 400N and 500E! AND another long skid from that stoplight to the bottom of the "dugway"[Very steep road].

Now, I have to admit that I did let the rear wheel rotate every now and then to spread out the skip patch. Secondly, the 'Dugway-Skid' was more of an adventure of not falling down. I'm going to have to follow up on this post and add more.... I'm currently thinking of away to relate the exhilaration of making it to the bottom of the dugway without hitting pavement.

"Explicative" "Explicative" YES!!!!!

1 comment:

Liv said...

I bet riding home sucked, but that picture is beautiful. You and Joe have been having fun riding in snow this winter, eh?