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05 March 2008

Logan to Wellsville to Hypothermia

Now, when you find road trash like this at about the half way point...one might expect a great ride. Let me go on to define great....

"Great" is all in the eye of the beholder and sometimes that eye needs to have hindsight. This was the first and only picture that I took while riding that day although I did take one more when I got home...:

It is horrible. Right? The picture is out of focus and not of really anything. Look closely... just to the right of the rider in yellow. You might be able to just make out part of a mountain side. Now, the impetus of the effort that it took to turn on the camera with cold 'stubby' fingers was the clouds that are covering the mouth of that canyon. Yes, 'that canyon' is the one that you can not see for the wall of grey. The wind told me it was Blacksmith.

~Yet, already that day had been a blast. At times we had cruised along at 20mph and hey I was keeping up with the gearly folks. Yes, Regan and Reed had soft peddled at times but all in all I was having a blast! These types of thoughts were shortly prior to the picture you just saw...20mph!!

Needless to say - After years and years of backpacking and almost 22 months of living out of a tent in the Sierras, I have never made such a series of mistakes and poor judgment. I also have never gotten even near hypothermia. That day was a turning point in things that I hadn't "accomplished" in my life.

~Cold and cruising along...10 to 14mph

Soon after taking this picture, I felt a bonk coming on. I ate some snacks and some how managed to keep control of the wrappers with my nub like fingers. The truth of the matter was that my bonk wasn't really a bonk but the start of hypo.

~We entered the Nibley road that I like so much... The 2 man pace-line at 18mph just to catch up with Regan.

This is a picture from a prior ride of the Nibley road:...will upload later....

~The storm started to really let loose...we had slowed to 12 mph...MAX

About 10 miles later Reed and I stumbled into a service station and started downing hot fluids, donuts, and even more hot fluids. At that time, I didn't really think I had any thing near Hypo just a back case of bonks. It felt like a six pack of bonks! We got back on the bikes.

~Riding, unable to see... I'm still going... 0+mph

3 miles later I was home...

~Standing in shower with all my clothes on...0.00MPH...well, 0.01mph when the hot water started to fail.

~Sitting here thinking about what a great time I had along parts of the ride and how lucky I am... 97bpm

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