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24 January 2006


Fundraising has to be the hardest part of this. The rides are the fun part and in many ways keep me focused on the overall goal, raising funds for a cure and patient care.

Most of this time, I don't listen to music when I ride but I do develop a thirst for it during the rides. Usually because I can't quite remember the words correctly or the tune completely. Yet, it is during those moments when my mind is not pestered with cellphone-drivers, lost lyrics or sudden lanes changes that I can concentrate on fundraising, work or a new way to teach ultimate. During those moments, I find that miles click by and speed is irrelevant to time. Somehow I can concentrate by not thinking and let things happen at their pace. It is wonderful....as was this ride.

There is a place where time stands still.
...illuminated by only the most feeble red light, for light is diminished to almost nothing at the center of time, its vibrations slowed to echoes in vast canyons, its intensity reduced to the faint glow of fireflies.

-Alan Lightman, Einstein's Dreams

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