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18 March 2008

LDS ... and more [St. Patties Day Recap]

Hey, Folks thanks for a great ride and sorry for the very very tardy post. Robert and Lukas have already written up the ride but I still feel that a few things need to be said.

We road for Spring, Russel Burger, Hot Chocolate, Green Beer, Corn Beef, Cabbage...for fixed gears, liberation, gearly bikes and "red flashies". We road for fun.

For me it was a Christmas like experience. Maybe, just maybe, it was because of the multitude of blinking red lights heading south on 89 back to Logan or the satiated feeling that is forever linked to the holiday experience.
Regardless, is was good. Let there be rejoicing! "So long, and thanks for all the fish!"

There will be another ride very very soon along with some longer ones designed to resurrect the 'BONK' form the most gluttonous racer-x out there... Basically, I would like to have a chatty, fun ride once a month with the destinations all about food. It should be viewed as a chance to get everyone out: friends, family, your Bishop, and even a town heathen or two.

Then, on a weekend day have a more challenging self supported 200k+ ride in the same month. A brief note on the longer rides planned here. These are going to be set up to simulate actual Brevets and Permanents. While not actually RUSA [http://www.rusa.org/index.html] events I do have plans on hosting these as actual routes and events in the future as well as setting up rides[permanents] to qualify for the R-12.

Notices, Maps, and destinations will follow!

Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel. Rubber side down!

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